Olyns innovates at the nexus of retail media and recycling. Our dual purpose RVM Cubes, located at the entrance of popular retailers, provide convenient beverage container recycling to consumers and impactful advertising to brands.
Our unique business model, which funds recycling through advertising, is profitable and scaleable, and delivers value to retailers, brands, and communities. Host retailers attract foot traffic, meet state recycling regulations, and earn revenue from ad sales; brand advertisers reach consumers in the "real world" just before they start shopping, enhance their sustainability credentials, and gain access to a new supply of food-grade PET; and people gain access to convenient recycling, bottle deposit redemptions (in bottle bill states), and valuable rewards.
Each of our reverse vending machines is capable of redirecting over a million containers each year, 99% of which get made into new containers. By increasing beverage container recycling, reducing plastic pollution, and increasing the supply of food grade recycled plastic, Olyns helps fulfill its mission of accelerating the shift to a circular packaging economy.
There are more than 140,000 locations where Olyns RVM Cubes could be installed in the U.S. Our dual purpose Cubes are well suited to any high traffic location, indoor or outdoor, where consumers purchase beverages in containers. This includes grocery stores, pharmacies, shopping malls, service stations, transportation hubs, cinemas, stadiums, and corporate and college campuses.