Our Story

When we learned that 91% of plastic NEVER gets recycled, we decided to do something about it.

We set out to rethink recycling - to fix the broken system and reduce the plastic waste that's polluting our rivers and oceans, hurting our wildlife, and contributing to the climate crisis.

We built Olyns to change people's perception of recycling. To help them see that an empty container is a valuable resource, not a piece of trash. The Olyns Cube is a fresh, modern, sparkling, beauty of a machine that uses AI to make recycling efficient and rewarding.

We're meeting people where they are, by putting our Cubes in places people already visit, like grocery stores, shopping malls, gas stations and stadiums. That means they don't have to go out of their way to recycle, and the hope is that recycling will become just another part of their daily routines.

We're giving people cash and rewards for their containers and the assurance that what they deposit will actually be recycled. Because our Cubes use AI to sort containers at the point of deposit into separate bins, we're able to set over 99% of deposited containers on the path to become recycled containers.

Our Cubes have large screens and double as a retail advertising platform.  Brands want their customers to know that they value sustainability, and a good way to do this is by connecting their brand with Olyns, where their ads literally help pay for recycling services. For brands, there is an undeniable halo effect to being being aligned with a platform that is accelerating the shift to a circular packaging economy. It's the opposite of greenwashing.

The way we see it, everybody wins: people get convenient access to recycling and incentives to recycle; Site Partners get a low cost, turnkey solution to meet their legal recycling obligations meaningfully increase access to recycling in communities across the US; Brand advertisers get to reach their customers just before they start shopping, with the knowledge that their ad spend will underwrite the cost of recycling services and visibly increase their commitment to sustainability.

But most importantly, we reduce plastic pollution, our planet gets a little healthier, and we move one step closer to a circular economy for packaging.

The Olyns Team