Olyns meets people where they are.

Olyns recycling RVM Cube image.
Olyns icon - Recycling RVM Cube full - red icon.
Olyns recycling RVM Cube coming soon icon - grey black.
Coming Soon
Olyns recycling mobile app screen - home page.

Download and Recycle

Ready to earn cash and rewards for your containers? Download the app to recycle at our Cubes.

Don't have a phone? Sign up here instead.

It's time to rethink recycling

Did you know that only 9% of  plastic gets recycled annually? The other 91%  ends up in landfills, oceans, and incinerators, hurting our wildlife and increasing carbon emissions.  If things don't change, by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans*.

*Sources: Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Geyer, Jambeck, &Law, July 2017. Science Advances (Volume 3, Issue 7).

Convenient locations

Our Cubes are located in places you already visit, so you don't have to go out of your way to recycle.

Find Olyns Cubes at the entrance of major grocery stores, pharmacies, and other retailers.

Cash and rewards

Live in a bottle bill state ? Olyns returns your container deposits instantly*.

Each container you deposit earns reward points that can be exchanged for gift cards and Olyns merchandise.

* Eligibility of containers varies by state. In California, all CRV containers are  eligible for instant electronic refunds through Olyns.


Check our "My Impact" dashboard to see how your container recycling adds up.

Marvel at how many containers you deposit and the carbon you save.

Olyns recycling mobile app screens - home page, map, and environmental impact.